4 Things This Introvert Is Sick of Hearing

“…such comments are a typical trend in my life: while I’m perfectly willing to accept the desire others may have to undergo a constant stream of socialization, the same people never seem to extend the same courtesy to me. Instead, they often heap on a plethora of free advice about how I can “fix” the supposed ailment that is my introversion.”

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It’s Okay to Have No Purpose Beyond Being and Enjoying This Moment

“I was sitting on my yoga mat with my legs stretched out in front of me. I bent forward into a fold, puffing and clenching my jaw as I extended my fingertips toward my toes. I was growing angrier by the second…”

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The Art of Sacred Space: Why I stopped resenting church

“This sacred space, dedicated to cultivating an arena where hearts are meant to soar, had become as dull to me as a trip to the grocery store.”

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Being “Right” Doesn’t Mean Being Happy

“Every one of my siblings had an identity crisis and rebelled against my parents’ reign at some point, dabbling in political differentiation or off-the-wall clothing. However, I never did. I didn’t like causing trouble, but to be honest, I never really had troubles to report…I didn’t realize until I got older how much of my identity had become wrapped up in that “being-right” mold.”

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Hello, You Nervous Wreck: Choosing Self-Forgiveness

“One of the worst things about the pain was its brutal unexpectedness: one moment I would be driving down the road in my car, completely fine, and then from out of nowhere a flood of emotions would crash through my complacency, sending shards of white-hot anger and humiliation through my heart all over again.”

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Photo credit: pexels-karolina-grabowska

Learning To Cultivate Self-Love While Living With Anxiety

Photo credit: pexels-cottonbro-studio

Tinsel Eyes

“His passing gave birth to a new kind of faith: that I have a right to hope for a life well lived, and the choice to seize every moment.”

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Photo credit: pexels-micael-widell

“This cemented in my brain that to be loved, I had to win the approval of those around me. I learned to walk on eggshells, trembling and sweating as I trod the thin line between earning love and invoking the disappointment of my authority figures.”

Click to read full article: https://www.pinchofattitude.com/stories/learning-to-cultivate-self-love-while-living-with-anxiety/